The Family Nursery Company
tel 0121 505 5950 fax 0121 556 0616

Quality Childcare

Our Values:  

Summed up below our staff believe in being 'BOLD' in all we do: 

   •         Brilliant customer care today and every day

   •         Outdoor play spaces that inspire imagination

   •         Learning opportunities for children that are of high quality

   •         Detailed planning that is outstanding 

At the Family Nursery Company we take our values seriously, they are key to ensuring we create the right environment for the children in our care. All staff supervision is reflective of these values, and our manager’s are trained to assess the nursery on a weekly basis using our acronym BOLD.




A nursery is only as good as its staff… we choose our staff carefully. Qualifications are important to us, but so is experience, warmth, and a sense of humour. Whilst many settings balance non qualified staff with qualified, we’re proud to say that over 90% of the staff in our nurseries are fully qualified.


We expect all our staff to engage children's inquisitiveness and imagination in skilful and sensitive ways. Opportunities for children's learning abound everyday in our nursery and our staff are expected to provide play opportunities, and resources which are appropriate to the level of competence and maturity of your child. 



Our settings are equipped to fit every child’s interests, IT equipment which allows children to become familiar with technology and large outdoor play spaces that support children's physical development.


All of our staff use the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum to monitor and record children’s progress, and we are passionate about involving you in your child’s learning, routinely sharing our records and your child’s developmental milestones to ensure we’re working together for the benefit of your child.


All staff are DBS checked to ensure their suitability to work with children and we risk assess our settings and our equipment on a daily basis to ensure that they are safe.

We allocate every child a key worker from their first day. The key worker responds to a child’s individual needs and carries out regular observations to support learning. Research has shown that a Key Person approach is the most effective way of ensuring that children develop a strong relationship with a significant adult in the nursery. It gives children the reassurance to feel secure and cared for, helping them to become familiar with the nursery environment and to feel confident and safe within it.



Staff complete long, medium and short term planning that is appropriate for the ability of the child in their care. These are evaluated on a daily basis and the quality of the planning is reviewed by our nursery management team. Once you start with us please don’t be afraid to ask to see your child’s folder, we maintain it but it belongs to you and your child!